It Could Be You ~ What Domestic Violence Actually Looks Like

It has been some time since I posted here. I only post when I feel I need or want to. The subject must be important to me in order to want to share my thoughts with the few of you who may read this.   I am pretty sure that none of you know what exactly I do for work. Well, one small part of my job is redacting audio and video for the Police Department. Now that we have body cameras and a new recording system that small part of my job has increased. With that I now see and hear more than I ever did before. This week as I was redacting a case my gut hurt and I felt sick. I was listening to a woman tell officers all the reasons why her former partner would never follow through on threats to her life. All I could think about was Mary. All I could think about was all these excuses mean nothing when one event can end your life. One event that will forever change your friends and family’s life. One event that you never thought would really happen will destroy you and your loved one’s ...

Lake Havasu Half- The 1st Day Of The Rest Of My Life

The day I thought may never come again finally came and it was AMAZING!!!!!
Toughman Lake Havasu was about so much more than my final finish time. It was about beating demons. It was about proving to my body that it CAN do what the mind tells it. It was about taking the first step into my “new” training/racing life. The old me is gone. Her  body and snarky sense of humor are still here but the engine has been rebuilt. I needed this race to prove to myself that I was going to be ok. Right up until the morning of I still had this tiny voice in my head that said

 “What if you fall asleep on the bike? What if you can’t get out of bed for 4 days afterwards? What if you blackout? What if the old me is still in here and just needs this door to open to come back to life?”

Well, the old me didn’t come out to play and I feel positive that she has gone away forever. I have worked so hard to make sure that I don’t even look at food that isn’t ok for me to eat, take all the right combo of non-pharmaceutical meds for my auto-immune and that I stay on top of my daily nutrition and sleep. And it worked.

London Bridge

London Bridge

Here’s how it went down….

The week leading up to Toughman was the first week of many Spring Breaks. As a Police/911 dispatcher in a vacation town that means we were hammered nonstop for days with lots of OT. Mentally I went into my day off Wednesday completely and utterly exhausted. I was supposed to meet Mary at 1pm on Thursday to have Erlosung looked at because there has been a strange rubbing sound coming from the front end. I decided that it was better to sleep as much as possible and leave the next day instead. This may have been the smartest decision ever. Anyone who knows me well knows I am famous for packing way too much into my days and over committing myself to everyone (I have also been working on this issue of mine for the last year).
So I left at 3:30 am on Friday morning to meet Kochi ( sorry #bff this is your new nickname thanks to Samsung Voice). We had our pre-race meeting, I cried (again) and I went to meet Kate while Mary went to work. The ride to Havasu was so much freaking fun I thought my cheeks were going to burst from laughing. I am SO SO SOOOO thankful that Kate wanted to come and Sherpa my butt around. She made sure I ate and drank all day something I get really bad at doing when I get nervous.

So…remember what I said about Spring Break?  Yup… Lake Havasu was packed with the children all partying and being obnoxious like. And I picked the best hotel ever!!! Well…if you want to get away with being under age, drinking and smoking weed  at the pool and in the hallways and smoking in nonsmoking rooms and in the hallways and playing your music loud all night it was the perfect hotel. I ALWAYS pick the worst hotels ever!! I even cancelled 2 other hotels I had reserved because I thought they would be scummy. Whoops.
Met up with the speedy Sarah Plant

Packet pick up blah blah then we drive the course after we do a short 30 minute shake out ride on our beautiful Dimonds. I heard a few people in front of me at packet pick up ask if they could change to the sprint race because they went out on the course and it is really hilly **eye roll** but this made me think maybe it would be a good idea to have a heads up.

The morning of the race we packed the car and drove to the State Park that the race was starting from. It was strange. I felt sick at one point because we could see nothing. As in no cars, no tents, no lights. We finally get to a large parking lot (still pitch black) and a group of riders comes across. Ok…. I guess this is it. The transition area is pitch black. The only lights were from a tent where they were doing body marking and timing chip pick up. As the sun rose we tried to look at the swim course but there were no buoys. They were just starting to put them out. I need to know what I am looking at before I get into the water. Not having a clue what is coming or where the hell to go on the swim is probably the scariest thing on earth for me. But that’s what happened. Just before we hit the water the Race Director told us what to look out for and where to go and we were off.

Swim PR

The women’s field was REALLY small which was great for my first race back. I had plenty of room to swim my race. IT FLEW BY!!! I don’t know if the course was short but I had a huge PR. 30:27. Granted I trained for this swim ~ I have done 2 IM’s and 2 HIM’s on zero swim training. I think I need a sleeveless wetsuit for the next race. I am not really built like a  typical girl and the shoulders/back always seems really constricted. Note to self.
So I see Kate and ask her to tell Kochi I PR’ed the swim. She runs towards T1 with me and I am off on the bike. The part and can hardly wait for!!! But first….I have to get through this dirt trail..

I told B I mt biked

 The bike  course for the half was an out and back with 2 neighborhoods off each loop. 1 at 3 miles in and the other at the turnaround outside of town. The 1st neighborhood was hilly but pretty much what I had expected from Lake Havasu. Long grinders 9 for me) and steep fun as hell downhills. Now that I have a bike that doesn’t decide it wants to lock its brakes up on me or that I have to disengage the brakes on it makes both so much more fun. I really didn’t know what to expect from the day so I told myself I would just take it easy on the1st loop and get a feel for how I feel. No point in hammering then feeling like shit in 4 hours. I took full advantage of the downhills and hammered the hell out of them. Max speed was 44.8 mph. SO FUN!!!

2nd loop I felt stronger than the 1st loop. The 2nd time through both neighborhoods seemed faster and the ride back into town was so fun! My average speed was still pretty low for me but since it was only my 5th time riding this bike I am so ok with that. I need more time in the saddle and know the power will come back. I hoped to keep it to 4 hours and did it in 3:40.

I had so much fun!!!
On to the run!!!

Then the run. I have never really enjoyed the run on any triathlon course. I am not really a runner. And this time round I had really only been able to run the last 2 months because I pulled my calf twice. Once in December and once in January. But I felt strong and good at the start. My goal was to mentally tell myself that I was not able to stop. I had to run the whole course. I could only stop at aid stations because I 100% had to keep my nutrition spot on. This worked for the first 6 miles then it started crumbling. I don’t know exactly what happened but my big toes were killing. Really sharp painful stabbing pains. I started to walk more and more. BUT it’s ok because I still felt good other than that. The heat wasn’t really getting to me and my head space was good. Well… it was good until I saw Kate at mile 12. I may have cried at that point but it was more because I knew it was over. There was only 1 mile left and the hardest start line I ever had to get too was now coming to an end.

I finished with Kate running next to me cheering me on and cried again. Every race from this point forward will be a little easier. This was the hardest one to get to. This race took 2 ½ years to start. Lake Havasu represented all the bullshit I had to deal with being punched in the face. 

   To quote the #bff   “Heidi-1, 3 years of bullshit-0!”

One of the biggest things about this race was that I had ZERO stomach distress. None!!! I never once had bloating or that gross feeling that we get when food is just not being digested. For that I cannot thank my Dietician enough. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done but getting my gut back to a place where it works correctly will be life changing this summer. I executed my race day nutrition plan flawlessly and it paid off.

#ltglamourshot #thoseglassesthough

So now it’s onto my other goals for this year. IMAZ being the end game in November but I have another goal for Provo UT in July. I have 4 months to prepare for it. I can hardly wait. Hard work does pay off. It isn’t easy and never will be. That’s what makes getting to that light at the end of the tunnel all that more meaningful.


HUGE HUGE Thanks to Kate Lemke for coming with me. I t made a huge difference having someone who gets it there. Second set of eyes for all race day prep, laughs all weekend long with too many new hastags to ever remember and just a good person with a huge heart. Thank you!! And of course the #bff  aka Kochi Mary Knott. When I told her I was going to wear “Finding Kona” on race day she said “Good! It will help you remember who has your back!” She always has my back and believes in me even when I am finding it hard to believe in myself. She has pushed me out of my comfort zone at least once a week in training and I am so excited ( and scared) to see what the next 8 months brings. I cannot be more grateful for the best life partner ever, B. Having someone stand by you in really shitty times makes the good times that much better. I am so lucky. The girl who was never going to get married had someone smiling down on her when she decided to meet a complete stranger in the woods to mountain bike that day in October  2006. <3 <3 


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