It Could Be You ~ What Domestic Violence Actually Looks Like

It has been some time since I posted here. I only post when I feel I need or want to. The subject must be important to me in order to want to share my thoughts with the few of you who may read this.   I am pretty sure that none of you know what exactly I do for work. Well, one small part of my job is redacting audio and video for the Police Department. Now that we have body cameras and a new recording system that small part of my job has increased. With that I now see and hear more than I ever did before. This week as I was redacting a case my gut hurt and I felt sick. I was listening to a woman tell officers all the reasons why her former partner would never follow through on threats to her life. All I could think about was Mary. All I could think about was all these excuses mean nothing when one event can end your life. One event that will forever change your friends and family’s life. One event that you never thought would really happen will destroy you and your loved one’s ...

TaLeS FrOm ThE TrAiL

The Power of Hmmmmm


I had every intention of riding today. Get up at 0500. Hit the road by 0600. It would be great. Then it hit. I had the worst stomach issues ever within minutes of waking. I was planning on maybe riding indoors. But maybe waiting till it passed. Or maybe running later. What should I do. Then the man asked the loaded question..."when is camp?"   well, actually it is 3 months away. "HMMM" was the response I got. I know what that means. That means get yer ass out there because you ONLY have three months to get your poop in a group ( so to speak!).

I picked an easy by Sedona standards trail. Big park Loop. Totally can not get lost. Go straight then take a right at the end then another right at the end to get back to parking lot. LOL. trust me I can and did get lost because that is what I do. 

It is a very pretty and way less traveled trail then Bell Rock Pathway which is what ALL the tourists walk.

I lost the trail at the "end"  of the first pathway and headed out towards Red Rock Wilderness area. I figured it about a mile in. So I turned around and went back the way I came. Took Middle Path and when I got to the intersection of where I should have originally came out I decided to head out in reverse so I would know where the heck I went wrong the first time.

I am slow. I don't care. I am happy. I am getting stronger.  For the first time in my life I do not give a shit about how fast (or slow) I am going. I have had a love/hate relationship with running for years. I only have a love relationship with trail running now.

5 miler turned into somewhere around 7.2ish miles. Best 2 miles "lost" ever.

T Minus 3 months till camp, 4 1/2 months till 70.3 and 6 months till 50k.
#chasingmaryknott ;)


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It Could Be You ~ What Domestic Violence Actually Looks Like

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